Künstler: Piotr Grden

Important one-man exhibitions
1998-Pro Arte Pax-Elbląg
1998-Volt Cafe - Elbląg
1999-Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL - Elbląg
2000-Galeria Studnia - Elbląg
Important group exhibitions
1997-XIX Salon Elbląski - Galeria EL
1998-Rathaus - Syke(D)
1999-XX Salon Elbląski - Galeria EL
1999-Verknupfungen - Gelsenkirchen(D)
2000-Atelie Rita Thies - Gelsenkirchen(D)
2000-Kongres Kultury Warmii i Mazur - Olsztyn
2001-II Olsztyńskie Biennale Plastyki - Olsztyn
2002-BWA Częstochowa
2002-Niemcy Polska â Galeria78(Gdynia)
2002-XXI Salon Elbląski â Galeria EL
2003-IKAR Video Installation With Five Monitors
President of City Elbląg Award in 2000 year.
Grdeńâs pictures are for him a battlefield, he was concerned with the very process of creation, act of creating and not with the final - often for him unforeseen effect. Grdeńâs painting fluctuates a two of key points: matter and accident. Accident becomes in this painting so to say: painterâs âpartnerâ in act of creation. Its interference puts under the question mark in each instance shuting or ending a picture. It leads to unexpected tensions and makes it impossible to complete the work. Grdeń despised the perfection of polished, considered compositions. Painter seems to be consciously in operating the paint, he skillfully handles the blotches of colours, layers gestures he with valueâs areas of silence. Elements of picture are not connect with reality, they often fill up the picture completly, thanks to which the picture becomes dynamic. Grdeń has not compliance with stricte painters lines such as a shortening of perspective, he is clearly prefering to use blotches and suggesting the third dimension by size of the figures. This device makes his painting appears flat like wall painting or graffiti. A discord is a prevailing feature of composition. Grdeń introduces dissonances not only in composition but also in colours. He similary works with the brush - its broad strokes run in all directions creating chaos while increasing the impression of spontaneity. However his works are filled with emotions - are subjected to them. Process of thickly laid paints is expression of this because it is satisfactin for painter only when a surface is so intensively saturated with pigment that it begins to âbreatheâ with colour. P.J.L.
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Die letzten 5 Kunstwerke
Installation im Park, Skitze für Stadt Backnang. Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm. Gew. ca. 1T
Installation , Skitze für Stadt Backnang \" Erinerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm, Gew. ca. 1T
Skitze - Installation -\" Erinnerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material, Industrie Stahl, 3cm x 200cm x 350cm. Vorderansicht / Seitenansicht
Die letzten 5 Kommentare

Sonnenblumen vor rotem Spargel
Das Bild hat eine starke Wirkung.
Kommentar von Marita Zacharias

Wundersch?nes Bild. Ich liebe Klavier spielen.
Kommentar von Viviane Wenz

Smaragdeidechse auf Stein
Liebe Ingrid, Gerade einmal gest?bert und schon muss ich staunen was Du da wieder einmal tolles gemacht hast. Eine wundersch?ne Idee und eine geniale Umsetzung, klar Dein Werk - Gro?es Kompliment. Ganz liebe Gr??e Yvonne
Kommentar von Yvonne Schmied

Lady mit Hut
Hallo liebe Elisabeth, lange habe ich nichts in dieses Portal geschrieben und jetzt dieses Bild von dir entdeckt. Das ist wirklich sch?n. Spannend, eine Frau von hinten zu zeigen. DAs gibt viele R?tsel auf. Liebe Gr??e Ingrid
Kommentar von ingrid wenz-gahler

Herbst 2
Ein intensives Bild mit genialem Pinselduktus. Gef?llt mir sehr gut!
Kommentar von Laetitia Barnick