Künstler: Lorna Napurrula Fencer

Represented in the National Gallery, State Galleries and major private collections, Lornaâs work has always been in strong demand, but she seems to have found a new freedom and joy of expression that actually radiates from her stunning canvasses.
As the senior custodian for the Napurrula Dreamings such as the ancient Yam Dreaming, Lorna has always provided special and privileged insights into her Culture via her painting. Lorna has been renowned for her innate sense and use of colour, but her new canvasses have gone to a new level and explode with a vibrant, full palette of colour that brings a new vision and understanding to these ancient Dreaming stories.
Lornaâs new work is a revelation. The combination of her unrivalled knowledge of tribal lore and Dreamings along with her intuitive use of colour and free gestural brush strokes in telling her stories, has lead to comparisons with the late Emily Kngwarreye. Yet, Lornaâs work is decidedly and uniquely her own.
Lorna Napurrula Fencer was born about 1924 at Yartulu Yartulu, and is custodian of inherited land, Yumurrpa, situated near Chilla Well, south of the Granites Mine Area of the Tanami Desert. Her fatherâs country is Wapuurtarli.
In 1949 many Warlpiri, including Lorna Napurrula, were forcibly transported to the government settlement of Lajamanu at Hookers Creek, situated in the country of the Gurindji people, 250 miles to the north of their own country around Yuendumu. Lorna Napurrula nevertheless maintained and strengthened her cultural identity through ceremonial activity and art, and has asserted her position as a prominent elder and teacher in the community.
The travels of Napurrula and Nakamarrra kinship or âskinâ groups are the inspiration for Lorna Napurrulaâs work, and she is custodian of the Dreamings associated with bush potato (yarla), caterpillar (luju), bush onion, yam and also bush tomato, bush plum, many different seeds, and, (importantly) water, for the Napurrula, Nakamarra, Japarrula, and Jakamarra skin groups. She has been painting on canvas since the mid 1980âs. Before she began painting on canvas, she painted on traditional womenâs coolamons and digging sticks for ceremony and for sale.
Exhibitions & Collections:
People, Place and Art Group Exhibition
Hilton International Hotel, Adelaide, SA
Aboriginal Art Group Exhibition
Australian Embassy, Washington USA National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Paint Up Big: Warlpiri Womens Art from Lajamanu Group Exhibition
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic
Aboriginal Art and Spirituality Group Exhibition
High Court of Australia Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD
Yapakurlangu Wirrkardu, Group Exhibition
Batchelor College, Tennant Creek, NT
All About Art Group Exhibition
Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne, Vic
Gantner Myer Collection of Aboriginal Art
Womenâs Body Paint Group Exhibition
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic
Recent Acquisitions Group Exhibition
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic
Museum & Art Galleries of the NT, Darwin
Me Warlpiri Group Exhibition
Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne, Vic
John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize Group Exhibition
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic
Holmes A Court Collection, Perth
Australian Heritage Commission Group Exhibition
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Yulyulu Group Exhibition
Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne, Vic
Margaret Carnegie Collection
6th Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Group Exhibition
Exhibition Building, Melbourne
Warnayaka Warlpiri Group Exhibition
Karen Brown Gallery, Darwin Leewuin Estate
Wild Warlpiri Women Group Exhibition
Coo-ee Aboriginal Art Gallery, Sydney
Yapa Group Exhibition Alcaston Gallery,
Melbourne, Vic Artbank, Sydney
Lajamanu Group Exhibition
Japingka Gallery, Fremantle, WA
Opening of Yuwayi Art Centre Group Exhibition
Yuwayi Gallery, Sydney,
NSW Laverty Collection, Sydney
Little Gems Group Exhibition
Japingka Gallery, Fremantle, WA
Lorna Napurrula Fencer - The Big Picture Solo Exhibition
Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne, Vic.
Kerry Stokes Collection, Perth
Lorna Napurrula Fencer Solo Exhibition
Japingka Gallery, Fremantle, WA
Lorna Fencer - Inner Spring - New Works Group Exhibition
Mary Place Gallery, Sydney,
NSW Major Private collections in Australia & overseas
Lorna Napurrula Fencer - Paintings from Yumarlpa Solo Exhibition
Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne, Vic.
Lorna Napurrula Fencer - Country Solo Exhibition
Chapman Galleries, Canberra, ACT
Big Country Group Exhibition
Gallery Gondwana, Alice Springs, SA
Lorna Napurrula Fencer Solo Exhibition
Japingka Gallery, Fremantle, WA
Lorna Napurrula Fencer - Yumurrpa Dreamings Solo Exhibition
Gow Langsford Gallery
Divas of the Desert Group Exhibition
Gallery Gondwana, Alice Springs, SA
Lorna Napurrula Fencer - Solo Exhibition
Aboriginal Artnwx Online Gallery
Awards :
1997 - Conrad Jupiters Casino, Gold Coast City Art Award
1997- John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize, National Gallery of Victoria.
Select Bibliography:
Ryan, Judith Paint up Big Warlpiri Womenâs Art, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Glowczewski, B: Yapa, Peintres Aborigines de Balgo et Lajamanu 1991 Lebon Gallery, Paris Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne
Johnson, V. The Dictionary of Western Desert Artists, Craftsman House, East Roseville, New South Wales
Isaacs, J. Spirit Country - Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art Hardie Grant Books, South Yarra, Victoria
Kommentare / Gästebuch von Lorna Napurrula Fencer anzeigen
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Die letzten 5 Kunstwerke
Installation im Park, Skitze für Stadt Backnang. Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm. Gew. ca. 1T
Installation , Skitze für Stadt Backnang \" Erinerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm, Gew. ca. 1T
Skitze - Installation -\" Erinnerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material, Industrie Stahl, 3cm x 200cm x 350cm. Vorderansicht / Seitenansicht
Die letzten 5 Kommentare

Sonnenblumen vor rotem Spargel
Das Bild hat eine starke Wirkung.
Kommentar von Marita Zacharias

Wundersch?nes Bild. Ich liebe Klavier spielen.
Kommentar von Viviane Wenz

Smaragdeidechse auf Stein
Liebe Ingrid, Gerade einmal gest?bert und schon muss ich staunen was Du da wieder einmal tolles gemacht hast. Eine wundersch?ne Idee und eine geniale Umsetzung, klar Dein Werk - Gro?es Kompliment. Ganz liebe Gr??e Yvonne
Kommentar von Yvonne Schmied

Lady mit Hut
Hallo liebe Elisabeth, lange habe ich nichts in dieses Portal geschrieben und jetzt dieses Bild von dir entdeckt. Das ist wirklich sch?n. Spannend, eine Frau von hinten zu zeigen. DAs gibt viele R?tsel auf. Liebe Gr??e Ingrid
Kommentar von ingrid wenz-gahler

Herbst 2
Ein intensives Bild mit genialem Pinselduktus. Gef?llt mir sehr gut!
Kommentar von Laetitia Barnick